Google, Cina, Censura. Il Ragno tesse la tela.
Qui un articolo.
Qui il link. Sotto il post. La domanda è la solita: puo' il profitta sopraffare l'etica? Dalle menti illuminate dei ragazzi geniali di google non potevamo aspettarci qualcosa di più? Avranno pensato: "per i cinesi meglio un google censurato che nulla"? Dobbiamo boicottare google? Non se ne esce. Oppure se ne esce male, come ogni santo giorno. La consolazione io la trovo in....non so...forse partirà una rubrica musicale: consigli per l'ascolto. Si ho deciso.
Back in 2004, Google wrote, “For Internet users in China, Google remains the only major search engine that does not censor any web pages.” Using a dictionary of 10,000 English words I probed Google self-censorship two years later. In 2006, the following 9% of words return search results which Google agreed to censor in China*:
abreast, abundant, acceptable, accusation, accuse, accused, adjacent, admirable, admiration, admire, admit, admitted, adorable, adult, affected, agree, airline, aisle, alive, allah, allegation, alligator, allow, ally, almost, alphabetical, ambitious, amir, amongst, amour, analogue, ancestry, ancient, anticipate, appeal, appear, appearance, applaud, appoint, appointed, appointment, appreciate, appropriate, approve, arabic, arithmetic, armored, arms, army, arrest, arrogant, arsenal, ashes, assorted, astronaut, astronomer, asymmetric, athletics, attempt, attention, attentive, attic, attitude, attractive, authoritarian, authorization, autopsy, auxiliary, avail, available, await, awakening, awfully, awkward, babe, babel, backlog, bacteria, ban, bankrupt, bantam, barker, barred, barrier, batman, beaten, beating, became, bedroom, begin, behalf, belly, below, beneath, besides, bitter, blah, bleed, blew, blister, blown, boarding, boer, bolster, bonded, booze, bought, boulevard, boxing, breakout, breakup, breathtaking, breeding, brutal, brutality, built, business, bypass, caramel, case, catastrophe, cathedral, caught, cautious, celestial, celtic, century, ceremony, chamberlain, championship, chandler, chaos, charged, charisma, chesterfield, chinese, chow, circulate, city, clamp, clash, cleanliness, cliche, clientele, cloud, cockpit, collar, collector, colonialism, combinations, comeback, comedian, comer, commemoration, commonly, communism, complication, concentrate, condemn, condemnation, conductor, confessed, confident, confines, confirmed, congratulate, consider, consideration, constable, constructive, consume, contact, contemplate, contemporary, contend, contingent, contradict, controversial, conversational, convinced, cooker, corral, correspondent, corresponding, corrupt, costly, could, couple, courtroom, cracked, craze, credentials, credible, cricket, crowd, crowded, cultivation, cyclic, damn, dashed, deal, dealings, declaration, declared, decline, dedication, deepen, defeat, defensive, deficit, deliberation, delightful, democracy, democrat, democratic, denial, deny, departed, depend, deprived, depth, deputy, descended, despair, detachment, detective, detriment, devastating, dictatorship, difficulty, diffusion, dilute, dioxide, disappoint, disappointing, disappointment, disarmament, disastrous, disconnected, discrepancy, disposable, dolly, dome, dominate, donation, doubles, doubt, doubtful, drain, drastic, drawing, drove, during, dwarf, earliest, earthly, east, easy, economical, economy, educated, education, eighteen, eighteenth, eighth, elastic, elderly, election, electronic, eloquent, embrace, emission, enact, endanger, endorse, endowment, enhance, enjoy, enlargement, enquiry, entertain, entertainment, envoy, epoch, equate, equatorial, equilibrium, especial, essay, excellence, exclusively, exercises, existent, expectancy, expenditure, explanation, explode, extinct, facing, failing, failure, faint, faithfully, fallout, famed, famine, farce, fare, faulty, favourable, feedback, felix, felony, feminism, fewer, fictional, fiddle, fifteen, figured, figures, firsthand, fisherman, flashlight, fledged, fledgling, flee, flowing, flown, flux, foil, football, forehead, foreseeable, forever, formidable, fortunate, forum, found, fourteen, fourteenth, fragmentation, fraudulent, fray, from, front, fucking, further, futile, gangster, garner, gastric, generally, genocide, gentry, ghost, gilt, girlfriend, given, glance, glaze, glory, glowing, goggles, golf, grace, grandma, greatly, greet, grin, grounding, guinea, gull, gymnastics, hair, halt, halves, hamper, handout, happen, harm, harmonica, hatred, have, health, heartfelt, hearth, heated, heavenly, heir, help, heroic, herself, hesitation, highlight, himself, hinder, hollow, homage, honours, hopeful, horrific, hound, humorous, hundred, hunt, hurdle, hurry, ignore, illegal, illumination, illusion, illustrative, immature, imminent, impartial, impede, implication, impose, in, inadequate, incapable, incarnation, incest, included, incompetent, inconvenience, increasingly, increment, incur, indefinite, indicative, indirect, induction, ineffective, inevitable, influential, informative, inheritance, injunction, instability, insult, intact, intangible, interchangeable, interdependent, irresponsible, is, itself, jag, jersey, joke, joy, jumps, justification, keel, keep, keeper, keeping, keeps, kept, kilo, kindred, kirk, knot, laden, ladies, lain, lair, lament, lance, lancet, landed, lasting, late, lately, laughter, leakage, leave, leftist, legendary, legion, lethal, liable, liberalism, liberation, liberty, like, lily, liner, literature, looks, lousy, low, lp, luck, lunar, luxurious, magazine, maid, male, mandarin, maneuver, manners, many, margin, marked, marking, marry, marsh, mash, masthead, maternal, may, mediterranean, melodic, melt, melting, memoir, memorable, merely, methane, midst, migrant, migratory, militant, militia, mimic, miserable, misguided, mistaken, misunderstanding, misunderstood, mobilization, modify, morally, mores, morning, movement, muster, narrow, narrowly, naughty, necessarily, need, nevertheless, news, newspaper, northern, not, notice, novel, obviously, off, offer, onto, opening, ordeal, originality, originally, other, our, out, over, overdue, overlap, own, painting, pane, paragraph, peck, people, perform, perhaps, picked, pleased, poetry, point, political, politics, porn, powerful, prefer, prepared, prevailing, pristine, profile, profound, progression, prohibit, prohibition, prolonged, promising, prone, pronounce, pronounced, pronunciation, property, prophets, prose, prosecute, prosecution, prosperous, protest, province, prowess, pub, pun, purification, pursue, pursuit, quad, qualitative, question, quits, rambling, ranks, rather, realisation, reasonable, reasonably, rebuilt, recess, refreshments, refusal, regency, regiment, regret, rehearsal, reject, rejoice, relieved, rely, remover, renewable, reopen, repay, replica, reportedly, repression, reproduce, resemblance, resemble, resign, resignation, resigned, resilience, resonant, respectable, respective, respects, retain, retard, return, reveal, revocation, revolutionary, rewritten, rhythmic, rick, rightly, rights, ring, rivalry, robbery, role, rosemary, roughly, routine, rubbing, ruins, runs, rupture, ruthless, satan, satisfying, sausage, save, say, scare, scared, scarf, schedule, scraps, screenplay, secluded, segment, segregation, sent, sentence, sentimental, separate, serious, sessions, setback, seventeen, seventeenth, seventy, sexy, shah, shaken, shire, shocking, shortage, shortfall, shorthand, shorts, shown, shrimp, si, sibling, sideways, sighted, sing, situation, sixteen, sixteenth, skinny, slain, slim, sloppy, sluggish, sly, smashed, snoop, sob, soften, solely, solemn, solitude, sonic, sonny, sophistication, soul, sour, sovereignty, spawn, sperm, spinach, spirits, splits, sport, spotted, squeeze, stall, stance, standby, stars, start, stationery, steep, stimulate, stoke, stool, stopping, straightforward, strait, streamlined, strengthen, struck, stumble, subsidiary, substitute, suburb, suck, suffer, suitable, suitcase, sunset, super, suppose, supposedly, surge, surprise, surrender, sway, symmetrical, takeover, talented, technology, tedious, teenage, teenager, teens, tenure, terms, terrain, terror, tertiary, theoretically, therefore, thirteen, this, thorough, thread, threat, threaten, threw, thrill, thrown, thursday, ticker, tidy, tighten, timeless, timely, ting, titled, toaster, told, tolerate, toll, tongue, tooth, tory, town, tragic, transient, travelled, treat, tripod, triumphant, troop, troops, tub, tuition, tunnel, turbulent, turf, turkey, uhf, unaffected, under, underestimate, undermine, underneath, undue, uneasy, uneven, unfit, unforgettable, unmask, unnatural, unnecessary, unofficial, unpleasant, unravel, unrest, unveil, upbeat, upheld, uphold, upright, upset, upwards, utterly, vacant, vague, vastly, veil, vein, veto, violate, vip, waist, waits, wandering, want, wanting, wary, watchdog, watt, wearing, weekly, weigh, wen, what, whereabouts, whereby, whose, widespread, wife, willow, win, withdraw, withdrawn, withheld, wonderful, woodland, woody, wording, wore, world, worried, worthless, worthy, wrapping, wrote, yahoo, years, yorker, your, zebra.
Edit: I saw this post being slightly misunderstood in several places so I’m changing the title to clarify the distinction between a word being censored, and the search result for a word being censored. I am changing the title from “Google Censorship Word List” to the more descriptive “Words Returning Censored Google Results”. (In the original post, I made this distinction clear in the introductory paragraph, the footnote and the comments, but I think it wasn’t too clear in the original title.)